Chapter 12
What Next?
Congratulations – you’ve reached the end of this book. I hope you’ve found a ton of helpful tips to boost your motion graphics skills in After Effects. Since learning never stops, let’s end this book with some recommendations for further reading.
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In this book we’ve talked a lot about keyframes, but not so much about expressions. Expressions are an alternative to keyframes - little JavaScript programs that describe how a property changes over time. This not only sounds very technical, it often is. Throughout this book, we’ve mentioned our extension iExpressions, which is a comprehensive collection of ready to use expressions that can be used without reading or writing any code. But I didn’t tell you anything about writing your own expressions.
The reason why I didn’t do this is firstly because it’s a very advanced topic, but also because there’s already a pretty good resource for this – François Lefebvre has written a book, The Power of Expression, which is definitely the best and most comprehensive description of this feature of After Effects.
Scripting Classes
There are some motion designers who focus on the design part and others who focus more on the technical aspects, like what we’ve discussed in the chapter Templates & Automation. If you’re more of a technical person, the techniques you’ve seen in this chapter are just the beginning – if you want to dig deeper, you should take a look at scripting. With the help of scripts, you can automate almost every part of After Effects. Scripts are JavaScript programs that remotely operate After Effects - so instead of clicking the buttons yourself, you write a program that does it for you. If you feel this kind of automation is your thing and you like my teaching style, you can watch my Beginner Scripting and Advanced Scripting courses at fxphd.
School of Motion
Another thing I can highly recommend are the online courses at School of Motion. These are paid training courses, and like this eBook their goal is to make you a better motion graphics designer. In particular they offer some things that a book can’t provide:
Create complex expression-driven templates, character rigs, shape animations and more without writing any code!
Create a mouth that automatically animates according to your voice recording.