Chapter 7
Keyframing Theory
In the last chapter, you learned all the technical details about keyframing in After Effects. But there’s more to learn if you want to keyframe good animations. If you know how to use paint and a brush, you know everything you need to paint a wall. But if you want to create a beautiful painting, there’s more to learn than just the tools.
In this chapter, we first need to understand why our brains are not our best friends when creating keyframes. And once you’ve understood how to deal with your brain, we’ll dive into some higher-level thoughts about keyframing good animations.
Create complex expression-driven templates, character rigs, shape animations and more without writing any code!
Auto-detect beats in a music track, wiggle to the beat, write markers,repeat keyframes, stagger layers, and more!
Streamline your live 3D pipeline between Cinema 4D and After Effects CC. Quickly toggle between the live pipeline and rendered proxy files.