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Increment at Marker 2D

With this iExpression the property is automatically increased (or decreased) by some fixed amount at each marker. In addition, you can overwrite this behavior at individual markers using the marker comments. If a marker has "[-5,20]" as comment, for example, the x value is decreased by 5 at this particular marker and the y increased by 20. With a comment "5s" or "20 frames" also the fade in duration for this marker can be changed to 5 seconds or 20 frames, respectively.

  • Increment at Marker

    How much the value should increment at each marker (if the marker has no comment specifying a different value).

  • Frame Offset

    for -2, the modification already starts 2 frames before each marker.

  • Marker Source
    Use Markers from

    whether the iExpression should use the markers of the layer where it is applied to, the composition markers, or the markers from another layer

    Other Layer (Name or Index)

    is the name or index of the layer whose marksers should be considered (if "Use Markers from" is set to "other layer").

  • Fade In
    Fade In Duration

    determines the number of frames over which the change at each marker is faded in.

    Fade Type

    determines whether the change at the markers fades in in a linear or exponential fashion.

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