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The blocks in this section are your pocket calculator - use them for all kinds of mathematical calculations.


Block math_number

This block represents a number.


Block math_arithmetic

Here you can add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers. Superheroes can also do power calculations with the ^ operator. 2^10 means 2 to the power of 10, for example.

When you combine several math operations, be aware of the order of the operations:

order of operations

In the example on the left, we calculate (1+2)*3, whereas on the right we calculate 1+(2*3).

Math Function

Block math_single

This block gives you access to the most commonly used mathematical functions:

  • square root
  • absolute (makes negative numbers positive and keeps positive numbers unchanged)
  • - (multiplies by -1, i.e. makes negative numbers positive and vise versa)
  • ln calculates the natural logarithm of the basis e.
  • log10 calculates the logarithm of the basis 10.
  • e^ calculates e to the power of x
  • 10^ calculates 10 to the power of x


Block math_trig

Calculates trigonometric functions like sine or cosine. The angle is given in degrees.

Math Constant

Block math_constant

This block gives you access to various mathematical constants.

Math Number Property

Block math_number_property

Gives you access to mathematical constants like pi or e.

Round Number

Block math_round

Rounds a point number up. By default, rounds to the nearest number, but you can also force it to always round up or always round down.

Math on List

Block math_on_list

This block performs math operations on lists (of numbers):

  • sum returns the sum of all items in the list
  • min returns the smallest item in the list
  • max returns the largest item in the list
  • average returns the average of the list items (their sum divided by the number of elements)
  • median returns the median of the list items.
  • modes returns a list of the most common item(s) in the list
  • standard deviation returns the standard deviation of the list items
  • random item returns a random element from the list

Remainder Of

Block math_modulo

Returns the remainder of dividing the two numbers.

Constrain Number

Block math_constrain

Constrains the number to be between the specified limits (inclusive).

Example: constrain user input

constrain example

This example asks the user to enter a number; the script then makes sure that the resulting number is between 0 and 100. If the user enters something bigger than 100, for example, the result will still be 100 and if the user enters a negative number, the result will be 0.

Random Number

Block math_random_int_or_float

This block returns a random number in the given range. When you generate integers, the boundaries are inclusive, i.e a random number from 0 to 10 can result in any of those numbers, including 0 and 10.

If you generate point numbers, the right boundary is exclusive, i.e. a floating point number between 0 and 10 can be 0 or 9.9999999 but never 10.

Random Fraction

Block math_random_float

This block returns a random point number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). Effectively, this is just a more compact notation for

random fraction example